Friday, April 24, 2009

Thousand Morrows

I am consumed with the joy of a thousand morrows
Winter's ending, summer's redeeming drawing away sorrow
A springs forth on lips
In eyes and on tongues from tip to tip
Exaltation's grin on beaming faces
From small town to big city, in the marketplaces
Banished to all dark corners, no frowns allowed
This is a happy crowd
What words describe how it satisfies
The sheer bliss of being alive
May peace be on this earth and good will to all
This is what I ask of you heed the call
The sun's warming my heart
And the weeds making my mind smart
My brain's in action
Due to pains retraction
No greater gift can I give
Than these blessed words that are the reason I live

Monday, April 20, 2009

When your living the stoner dream

It was no suprise from the half glazed look in your eyes
That you were stoned of every nugg of weed you owned
If you don't cough you don't get off it seems
When your living the stoner dream
And your pipes never clean
You have lungs of green
Constantly replacing that screen
When your living the stoner dream
Its 4:20 AKA the most depressing day of the year
or the day nobody shares. woho.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009


If our mind can comprehend
something so simple
as an equinox
Then our attitude
toward our fellow man
will outshine and eclipse all others
Not a day our night will pass
without an attitude of equality
If we would learn
from one of natures simple lessons
and allow it into our hearts
Let it be the idea of a