Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Why religion should be banned

What is religion? People believing in some mythical being that demands their complete devotion. What a pathetic waste of one's life time, and breathe. Countless innocent blood has been spilled in the name of pathetic, fucking religion. The crusades. The Mormons. I could spend my whole life naming the problems and evils people who subscribe to every brand of religion have committed in the name of some "God". I worship no God, especially not Darwin like the fucking atheists, although I find them much more tolerable than Christians. I profess my ignorance in knowing a great deal of religions, but with new fanatic religion cropping up every day, it is impossible to keep up with people's absurd beliefs. I am a victim of Christianity myself. My mind and life are permantly damaged from religion because it only encourages hatred, ignorance and close-mindness. I bristle at the very mention of god. I will list the evils against Christianity because it is what I survived. I refused to let myself be a brainwashed, hapless victim of the Christian religion. I was taught to obey all the bible commanded, except for the inconvenient parts. (Such as chopping of naughty people's hand.) People use the ridiculous stupid bible as an excuse to be close-minded and hat on people. I don't recall any part of the bible were it says hate on people. In fact, if I remember correctly, the foremost command from the Jesus dude is "You must have love amongst yourselves." Christians are always judging people. They twist scriptures like the one I heard so much I can directly quote, Judge not, that you be not judged. For with the judgment that you pronounce you will be judged, and the measure you give will be the measure you get." It is in the book of Matthew, I believe it also goes on to say something about not looking at the straw in your brother's eye because there's a rafter in own fucking eye. How convenient people skip that part of the bible. I hate that godamn so much. It is sexist and racist. It say that women should whatever men says and their function in life is to get married and have sons. It calls them a "weaker vessel". Personally, I think one should ignore that stupid crap and focus on the few good points of the bible. Like the story of the Good Samaritan or where Jesus says "Let he that is without sin cast the first stone. "All religions carry the same theme that people skip over in an effort to justify their actions. In other religious texts it goes something like this. Do not judge thy comrade until thou hast stood in his place. Judaism. If you want to criticize someone, first criticize yourself more than three times. Chinese religion. Happy is the person who finds fault with himself instead of finding fault with others. Islam. I like what the Hindu religions say. They sum it up perfectly. The vile are ever prone to detect the faults of others, though they be as small as mustard seeds, and persistently shut their eyes against their own, though they be as large as Vilva fruit. I say we should take all religious text, find the good morals in them, commit them to memory, and then keep them for a good laugh. Then we should teach other what we've learned and say a big FU to religion. All it is is an obstacle to the unification of humanity. We'd get along so much better without it.

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