Saturday, May 17, 2008

A queer ending

The story of my life, my life that's, well hella QUEER
Who will be here to voice my opinions when I am gone?
No one, and I am afraid
Scared that my voice will go silent
Too soon, too soon
A vacant hole where poetry used to reside
The walls of NAFY blank again
Mouse scrawled signature vanished into-
Hollow echoes of poet's boldly spoken mind
A mind, a brain that has stopped Working
As if-
As if
Something had caught in the axon and neurons
And at the whim of a powerful thought
A strong force has violent tore them apart
Creative cells forcibly shut-up
Poetry left to rot forgotten, abandoned
My life's zealous pursuit gone to waste
A queer ending for a queer life

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice to find a fellow poet floating about this town. There are more of us though... so many. Funny that we sometimes feel so alone, despite that.