Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Dios de los muertos

For you I yearn
All these thoughts of you I burn written down
So nothing but ashes scattering is found
But now that you're free I honor thee
Dios de los muertos


The dove of peace took flight
With the marksman looking down their sight
Fly, Fly! Take flight!
Its faithful wings never skip a beat
Not an easy feat
A finger tightens on the trigger, the dove in the cross-hairs of the scope
Is there any hope?
Peace lets out a final cry
Crumples to the ground and dies
Thanks to the breezy weather
There drifts a solitary feather
All that is left
By no accident it drifts straight to the harbinger of death
So touched by its message are they, they swear to never hurt anyone again and dismantle their gun
Peace anew has begun

You can kill the revolutionary but never the revolution
-Fred Hampton, my brother from another mother brutally gunned down by the pigs as he lay asleep