Thursday, June 28, 2007

My first blog

Here we go again. My name is Mouse I'm 19 and writing my first blog, as suggested by a P:ear Staff member. I like reading and writing things like poetry and journalism articles although I stopped when I turned 18. I miss working on my high school newspaper, The Themisian. To this day, I am still unable to spell or pronounce the name of it. I am not doing much these days, except getting high, or finding something dumb to do, or getting in lots o' trouble. One of my goals right now is to fry my brain so I become one of those numb brain damaged zombies wandering around who aren't there. I mean they're there, physically at least, but mentally they've the building. There, but not there, unfeeling and unaware. I should do something productive. I want to do something to occupy my time, because then maybe I wouldn't have time to be stupid. This blog is getting depressing. I should end on a positive note. I have a cup of coffee on me that taste good.

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