Monday, March 16, 2009

Oh America! America!

The only home I have ever known
Your anguish is my anguish
To see your fall from grace!
I am weeping the tears of a mother who wishes to hold her only dear child
but cannot for they are lost
and there is no comfort to be found
Oh America, America!
Such is my shame that I can no longer proudly hoist your flag to the top
of the mast and salute
Oh America, America!]
Where freedom is for a chosen few
and I must stand desolate among the second class citizens
clothed in sackcloth and ashes mourning
Oh America, my mother!
How I long to be held to your breast
and suckle freedoms sweet milk
but you do not want me
Prodigal America!
I bessech thee
Let me know you as a loving parent
Let me be able to shout thy once glorious name to the very heavens
When will I-WE be able to ufurl your banner again
and sing in the words of our fore beares
"My country tis of thee, sweet land of liberty"
Why have you turned your back on your own people?
What have we done to provoke youtr disfavor?
Please turn your face towards us
That we might know the comfort our our motherland
Let us be FREE from your crushing embrace!
Oh America, America!

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