Friday, January 22, 2010

Depressing Statistics

On the internet last night, I read that people of my orientation (asexuals)are far more likely to be clinically depressed than people of other oreintations. 33.57%! That's about one in three of us. Talk about abnormally high. That the same number of queers that depressed too. One in three! Jeez! Something needs to be done about this,NOW. I'm thinking education, maybe in schools to students. I can just picture the angry parents. (What are you teaching our kids?! To be immoral freaks!!!) I'd love to see the day when being yourself is cool. Fuck society! Who needs to be accepted by this stupid biased empire anyway! Although it would be nice to Gender Idenity Disorder removed from the dsm. It's causing people to need therapy. (yes, even when I'm being completely serious I still have throw in a joke, it's my coping mechanisim) I don't think I'll be understood in my lifetime. At the very least, even if you don't get it, I'm just asking to be respected. Is that too much to ask? Yes I suppose it is. Sigh :(

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