Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Beauty Forsaken

What is beauty forsaken?
Is it a forgotten poem?
A kiss that refuses to linger?
Laughter no longer heard in a desolate place?
Is it the one who climbs the rocky crag
Coming to stand upon the barren cliff
Screaming and whimpering for what's lost
The only thing returning to them is a haunted echo of what was
Mercy and love have been forsaken
I crawl on hands and knees
No longer lucid
Begging for something to soothe my cracked and dry lips
Heat throbs in my temple Sand invades every crevice of my body
I have been stripped of my innocence
and cast into the fiery pit of hell
alone and lost in the darkness I long to be lifted from my knees
To stand in the light
A hand is cast over my scarred misshapen soul
Will judgment be delivered upon what is left of me?
will the judge swing his gavel down on my head and pronounce me guilty
Have I created my own prison?
Am I to blame for what's transpired?
Forgive me if it is so
For I will suffer forever more

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