Thursday, December 3, 2009

Dust of Dissidence

If we would let the resound with our voice
Till the very trees tremble
From root to leaf with love
We'd all chose to assemble
Picking through our thoughts
Until we settle on the one that's not
Allowing for harmony
Just think how much else of our minds would be free
For us to just BE
And when we happen upon unfair circumstance
let us shake the dust of dissidence from our shoes
Cast away the negative energy so yo won't be lead astray
The energy of the universe flows freely from poet to poet
And verse will be the better of the worse
You and I know it
And freely show it
The glow
that comes from the reflection of love in one's inner self
It's not something you can go to a grocery store and pick off the shelf
It has be grown while holding hands with neighbor and child, not alone
In one's own home
Found in the garden of peace and watered with love
Allowing us new ways to cope
If we just stop searching heavens above
And looked inwards we'd discover the answer is lovw
Would there be shedding of blood?
No, fow shake the dust of dissidence from our feet
And hatred would end in defeat

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