Monday, May 5, 2008

Promising Blossoms of Spring

When spring arrives, I watch the firsts
I watch the first robins searching for the company of a mate
And, when they suceed,
I see the first nest appear in the old tree
I see the first vunerable newborn crawl out of their egg
And I spy the gaping wide chick's mouth begging to be filled
And I spy the parents dropping worms into waiting beaks
I observe the first buds of spring slowly yawn open
I observe the first bees seizing the chance to gather more pollen
Victorious gathers buzz back to the hive
Dancing their tale of discovery for others to admire
I welcome the first snowbirds back from Florida
I welcome them as they arrive with big grins and fresh tans
Arms full of souvenirs and luggage
Enlisting neighbors help to unpack their crammed trailers
In the warmth of summer's end
As everything becomes active again
I smell the sweet odor of life
For what's dead has become renewed
And what has dried up is fertile again
Puddles have shrunk, leaving potholes in their place
And those that have left to avoid winter's harsh breath
Are all returning home to garden
Home to witness what has changed in their absence
Home to witness all the promising blossoms of spring

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