Monday, July 27, 2009

What's really going on

This is raw, unpolished
But I gotta say this goverment enslavement should be abolished
They want us to be a ntaion addicted to alcohol
And were trees once stood they're building shopping malls
We're up against a brick wall
Me? I'm trying to find my style, my nitch
I wanna rhyme without a hitch
The light of reason needs to dawn
I need to inform people of what's really going on
I'm turning over a new leaf
No more being irresponsible and causing my mother grief
I'm hitting the books, giving education a second look
Other poets are like movie stars with fancy cars
All I got is me and my rhymes
I don't even own a dime
But it don't matter cause I got all I need
I don't need a big house with a fancy deed
Fuck material greed
As long as I can write things will be alwrite
This my only love, my obession
I'm writing my confession
As long as I have verse all obstacles can be transversed
My situation can only get better after its gotten worse

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